The flower arrangement of a lily of the valley is in the form of the heart.
The water lily and lily of the valley floating on the water surface of darkness decorate wallpaper finely.
A background is changed into a default picture (favorite picture), and can be enjoyed.
Susunan bunga lily of the valley adalah dalam bentuk hati.
The lily air dan lily lembah mengambang di permukaan air kegelapan menghiasi wallpaper halus.
Sebuah latar belakang diubah menjadi gambar default (gambar favorit), dan dapat dinikmati.
The flower arrangement of a lily of the valley is in the form of the heart.
The water lily and lily of the valley floating on the water surface of darkness decorate wallpaper finely.
A background is changed into a default picture (favorite picture), and can be enjoyed.